Biomarkers, in living color.

Next-generation clinical and preclinical imaging

A powerful new tool for medicine and biology

Optoacoustic imaging enables non-invasive in vivo visualization and quantification of disease-related tissue biomarkers.

Innovative imaging platforms for all levels of research

  • Designed specifically for clinical or preclinical research

  • Deep tissue assessment with macroscopy

  • Ultrahigh resolution with mesoscopy

Innovative imaging platforms for all levels of research

  • Designed specifically for clinical or preclinical research

  • Deep tissue assessment with macroscopy

  • Ultrahigh resolution with mesoscopy

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Recent Webinars

Optoacoustic imaging of muscle degeneration in late-onset Pompe Disease

Dr. med. Ferdinand Knieling from the University Hospital Erlangen presents his group’s groundbreaking pilot study, published in Nature Communications. In this session, Dr. Knieling explores the role of biomarkers in assessing muscle degeneration in Pompe disease and demonstrates the potential of iThera’s optoacoustic imaging technology as a clinical diagnostic tool for neuromuscular diseases. The session features an in-depth discussion of the study results, followed by an engaging Q&A session.

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Optoacoustic imaging for disease monitoring

Dr. Hailong He (Helmholtz Center Munich), Dr. Sara di Giulio (Humanitas Research Hospital), and Dr. Dinish U. S (Skin Research Institute of Singapore) present their respective research on non-invasive optoacoustic imaging biomarkers with ultra-broadband raster-scan optoacoustic mesoscopy (RSOM) – an innovative imaging technology that offers advanced optical imaging of the skin with assessment of endothelial function.

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Discover the future of diagnostics with iThera’s cutting-edge imaging technology

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Contact us

If you have any questions about our technology, applications or products, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

+49 (0) 89 700 7449-21

Address Zielstattstrasse 13, 81379 Munich, Germany
