An optoacoustic imaging platform for clinical research
The CE-marked MSOT Acuity Echo combines the molecular specificity of optical imaging with the depth and spatiotemporal resolution of ultrasound. This versatile imaging system captures soft tissue images in vivo and in real-time, with sub-millimeter spatial resolution.
The next generation in medical imaging

Real-time visualization of optoacoustic
and ultrasound images
Visualization and quantification
of tissue chromophores
Integrated US imaging for additional
information on tissue morphology
Curved array detector with
integrated light delivery
Foot pedal and laser safety
goggles ensure safe use
of the system
The next generation in medical imaging
Click to explore Acuity Echo highlights:

Real-time visualization
of optoacoustic and
ultrasound images
Visualization and
quantification of tissue
Integrated US imaging
for additional information
on tissue morphology
Curved array detector with
integrated light delivery
Foot pedal and laser safety
goggles ensure safe use
of the system