iThera in the news

We have received approval for a pivotal clinical trial to assess colon inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease using optoacoustic imaging

October 22, 2020
Patients with the chronic condition IBD undergo recurring phases of inflammation and remission of the gastrointestinal tract. In treatment management of IBD, it is necessary to closely monitor inflammatory activity of the bowel wall. Persistent inflammatory activity is related to higher complication rates, hospitalization, and cancer – all of which may be avoided by early adaptive treatment changes through improved disease monitoring.

In current care, colonoscopy is the gold standard in IBD diagnosis. However, this procedure poses a significant burden and complication risk on patients due to the need for bowel preparation and the invasiveness of the procedure. On the other hand, non-invasive procedures such as clinical examination and ultrasound imaging show high variability and diagnostic inaccuracy.

Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) imaging is a new non-invasive diagnostic method based on the so-called photoacoustic effect – the conversion of light energy into sound waves. This technique combines pulsed laser excitation of tissue with ultrasound detection. Tissue – in this case the colon wall – absorbs the laser light energy and emits ultrasound signals. The signal amplitude correlates with the blood concentration in the colon wall, a biomarker of inflammation.

The goal of the upcoming clinical trial – which is supported by the Horizon 2020 grant program EUPHORIA – is to assess the ability of MSOT as a tool to measure disease activity in people with Crohn’s Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). The diagnostic performance of the MSOT Acuity Echo investigational device will be compared to colonoscopy and to other commonly used diagnostic procedures, such as MRI and ultrasound imaging as well as blood and fecal lab analyses. Lead Investigator Prof. Maximilian Waldner from the University Hospital Erlangen comments: ‘We are extremely excited to bring MSOT closer to clinical routine for IBD patients by validating the findings from our initial pilot trial.’


The EUPHORIA clinical trial is part of the EUPHORIA Project, an EU funded project which is led by iThera Medical. The Project also involves University Hospital Erlangen (Germany), IMASONIC SAS (France), Rayfos Ltd (UK) and Pintail Ltd (Ireland). EUPHORIA aims to optimize iThera Medical’s MSOT technology and test its efficacy in a large clinical study, generating evidence to support CE marking for the device, validating clinical utility and demonstrating benefits for IBD patients. During the project the partners will also explore potential health economic impacts and plans will be developed to bring this novel technology to the market-place and to the clinic.

The EUPHORIA Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 830965. The material presented and views expressed here are the responsibility of the author(s) only. The EU Commission takes no responsibility for any use made of the information set out.


iThera Medical is the leader in optoacoustic imaging (OAI) with a global customer base in preclinical and clinical research.
OAI has the potential to become a widely used clinical diagnostic technique with an initial indication focus on the assessment of muscle perfusion and oxygen saturation in peripheral arterial disease and neuromuscular diseases.

The company was founded in 2010 as a spin-off of the Helmholtz Center Munich and is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

iThera Medical is the leader in optoacoustic imaging (OAI) with a global customer base in preclinical and clinical research. OAI has the potential to become a widely used clinical diagnostic technique with an initial indication focus on the assessment of muscle perfusion and oxygen saturation in peripheral arterial disease and neuromuscular diseases.

The company was founded in 2010 as a spin-off of the Helmholtz Center Munich and is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

For further information, please contact:
Christian Wiest
Phone: +49 (0) 89 700 7449-21