RSOM P50 Explorer

High-resolution OAI for preclinical research

A mobile cart system for small animal imaging

The RSOM Explorer P50 consists of a compact mobile cart system with a light-tight imaging chamber including a live-view camera for experiment supervision and a heated animal bed with integrated anesthesia supply.

While raster-scanning the field of view, a nanosecond pulsed 532 nm laser excites the tissue. The induced ultrasound signal is detected by a broadband transducer with 50 MHz center frequency.

Workflow for preclinical RSOM imaging

RSOM utilizes fast laser excitation and high-frequency acoustic detection, thereby providing intrinsic optical tissue contrast with down to 20 µm resolution at several millimeters depth.
iThera Medical has developed the RSOM Explorer P50 for preclinical research. The transducer integrated into the RSOM Explorer P50 enables ultra-wide bandwidth detection of acoustic signals. By separating these signals during post-processing into several color-coded frequency bands, structures of different sizes can be separated and visualized more clearly.

Animal imaging chamber

Discover more

Whole-body cross-sections in real time or 20 micron resolution

We provide commercial OAI systems for preclinical research since 2010


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